March 3, 2022
Public Allies Class 13: TSP Presentations
Written by: The Artful Allies
Hello everybody and welcome back to the second Public Allies blog post from Class 13! The Allies spent the last month creating presentations for a mid-year assessment with their cohort. The three groups met on January 21 (virtually) to present their progress for the first five months and provide feedback for one another. Below, you will meet each group and find an action step on how you can best support each group.
Most Journalistic: 360 PowerIndy
Tyrone Chandler, Karma Chappell, Robin Lance, Carly Rearden
To get us started for the day was 360 PowerIndy. This TSP’s project is in conjunction with Neighbor Power Indy: an opportunity for neighborhoods to gather, inspire, engage, and celebrate one another. This growing event has been occurring for a few years but has had to make some changes with COVID. The theme for this year is “Celebrating Our Resilient Neighborhoods: Moving Forward to a New Normal” and 360 PowerIndy has been adjusting and reformatting the event so it may be as successful as it can (even with an online format). Currently, they’ve been conducting and filming interviews to help promote the event.
Action Step: Register and attend Neighbor Power Indy’s events from March 1 – 12 2022!
Most Historical: Kennedy Kings
Kiernan Coughlin-Wolf, Brennan Edwards, Kilah Kuiper
Next on the TSP list are the Kennedy Kings. This TSP group is partnered with the Kennedy-King neighborhood of Indianapolis and has roots. In their presentation, the Kennedy Kings showed a video of Robert Kennedy delivering a speech the night of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. This speech helped people work through their grief and come together after the loss of a great leader. From there, the neighborhood was named Kennedy-King and became one of the fastest growing neighborhoods. Currently, the Kennedy Kings are trying to increase engagement within the neighborhood by hosting an April event 2 years in the making.
Action Step: Donate hospitality supplies, presentation materials, and food related items for their April event! Email for questions and more information.
Most Lively: The Artful Allies
Nia Belton, Antonio Martin, Emma Rees, Ashley Syferd, and Aislen Tiller
And last (but far from least) are the Artful Allies. Originally named “The Artsy Allies”, this group’s presentation was the liveliest and a warm end to the day. To start, the Artful Allies discussed how their group went from spending time in Fountain Square to serving with one of INRC’s finest staff members, Ari Beedie. From there, the group explained their new objectives and goals. They hope to help bring INRC’s marketing to the next level and rise to its full potential. Right now, the Artful Allies are discussing marketing materials, strategies, and wait for it- writing blogs (like the one you’re reading right now).
Action Step: Follow INRC (@indynrc) and share our content to your story!
Thanks for checking in with Class 13 again – be sure to complete these action steps to make an impact!