Our Supporters
INRC receives support from a variety of private and public funders, and is an Accredited Partner of the United Way of Central Indiana (UWCI).
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The Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center appreciates the generous financial support of the following organizations and individuals. In 2021, a generous community provided $765,283 in support of our work with Indianapolis neighborhoods.
Jason and Linda Adams
Gina Lewis Alexander
Tanner Alexander
Gregory W Allen
Victoria Ballard
Margaret L Banning
Jon Berg
Bicycle Garage of Indy
Glenn A Blackwood
Jamie R Biritton Blanck
Daniel Bookheim
Lindsey Bouza
Jim M Bowden
Michael Bowling
Meghann Bowman
Tracy Boyd
Katherine Dianne Boyles
Paul Brown
Anthony D Burke, Sr.
Alexander Butler
Bruce Bye
Judith H Byron
Carleen Carter
Jessica Castellanos
Erika Seydel Cheney
Kelsey Clayton
Ryan Clem
Michael H Clemens
Jennifer A Coffey
Melissa Gerhart Collier
Toya R Crain
Emily Cutka
Renee Davis
Catharine Diehr
Cheryl L Dillenback
Lauren S Ditchley
Kim Donahue
Deborah D Ehret
Jusith Essex
Kimberly Meals Estep
Felege Hiwyot Center
MaryAnna Ferris
Henry Frommeyer
Adrienne Fuller
Jed Fuller
Cassandra Gillenwater
Maria Gonzalez
Marisol Gouveia
Tina Marie Graham
Karen R Grant
Caylie Guinn
Ron Gyure
Amy Hammes
August M Hardee II
John Franklin Hay
Sarah Herbert
A Edward Hill
Tosseia Holmes
Garrett W Hollingsworth
Benjamin Housh
Sarah Hugher
Jamison Hutchins
Mary Agnes Hylton
Kimberly L Irwin
Christine Jackson
Carla M James
Kelly James
Marc N Jones
Twanda Jones
Bridget M Joyce
Maris Kancs
Matthew Keen
Callie J Kennington
Rauf Khalid
Kathleen M Kirkhoff
Maurice Kistler
Charles Knight
Lisa Laflin
Dioselin Alejandra Lagunas
Amy E Lay
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Nate Lichti
Sharon Logan
Melanie Malott
Treva Marks
William Marquez
LaToya A Martin
Aaron McBride
Isaac McCoy
Lori McDonald
Harry McFarland
Maureen E McReynolds
Amanda J Meko
Steven Meyer
Jeffrey G Miller
Olga Mogollón
Lois Montgomery
Elizabeth S Najar
Kayla Najera
Matthew S Nunley
Jonathan Onuorah
Janna M Parke
Kayla Parker
Benjamin Pearson
Gloria I Perez
Christen Peterson
Jerry Phillips
Linda L Phipps
Maurty Plambeck
Al Polin
Ryan M Poor
Bernadette Price
Julia Quattrini
Michael Quinn
Cameron A Radford
Ronald K Ransom
Brittanie Redd
Thomas M Reddicks
Beth Riedeman
Vicki R Rubio
Kaitlin Sanders
Darius Sawyers
Darnae Scales
Mariann Scott
Clifford Seaton
Michelle Sharp
Evan R Shearin
Deborah Sluss
Janette B Smith
Susan M Smith
Kylee Snyder
Pamelia Sublett
Anne-Marie Taylor
Janna Thomas
Lauren Tolley
Philip Tom
Anitra L. Tyler
Erin Vollmer
Gerardine M Waggle
Alexa Wallace
Ashlee Weaver
Akilah Webster
Kelly Wensing
Joseph W Werle
Levett Wheat
Casby Williams
Danielle Wilson
DeAndra Yates
Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this list.
If you have any questions, please call us at (317) 920-0330.