30 Years of Building Community: Millersville & INRC’s Legacy of Togetherness
By Danae Freeman, Engagement Manager Cac Diehr is the president of Millersville at Fall Creek Valley, an association representing 25-30 [...]
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Michael Siemer,
Ladywood Estates
HOA Board Member
“The neighborhood grant money the Ladywood Estates community received in 2023 allowed us to keep a key aspect of our historical status and unique charm alive and well. We completely upgraded the structural integrity of our 100+ year old spring house amid its continued decline and spruced up the surrounding landscape. Residents and passersby alike can continue to enjoy this unique piece of history thanks to the INRC grant.”
Bates-Hendricks Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to add 8 public benches to the South New Jersey Street Medians, commonly used for recreation and neighborhood events. Neighbors have volunteered to help install the benches and there will be a celebration once all objectives are completed.
Goals relate to increasing accessibility for seniors and increasing activities in the neighborhood space.
Bretton Wood Homeowners Association project plan was to add updates to a prominent central playground in the community. This included a third piece of playground equipment, mulch, a new bench to provide beautification, and more opportunities for engagement for residents.
Goals related to an increase in playground usage and community pride.
Community Alliance of the Far Eastside’s project plan was to utilize a vacant lot for a Community Orchard and Greenspace. Within the project they planned to add an orchard; a naturescape area; an area for trees and wildflowers; a space for events; sculptures; a playground; and a mobile farmstand.
Goals related to conducting surveys for long- term goal setting to measure the effectiveness of the project for the community; 9 community events with 100 person attendance; an increased sense of community from neighbors; and an increased amount of knowledge gained from participating residents on growing their own food.
Community Heights Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to confront speeding and reckless driving at 10th St between Emerson and Arlington Ave. negatively impacting residents in the area.
They plan to paint a mural around the crosswalks on 16th St. in front of IPS 88; install custom-made decorative planters in the center median on 16th St.; install a “School Zone” banner on light posts; add decorative planters in the center turn lane on 10th St near bus stops; adding tube-shaped bollards on bike lines, and painting the bike lane green where it crosses neighborhood streets.
Goals relate to reducing speeding in the neighborhood area, increasing safety and feelings of safety from residents, an increase in volunteers, and engaging two media outlets.
Crooked Creek Community Development Corporation’s project was to create and install gateway signs to help residents recognize Crooked Creek’s boundaries.
Community members were involved by voting on a favorite design and had input on location.
Goals related to an increased awareness of the neighborhood, higher traffic on stakeholder websites, and increased pride and investment in the community.
Emerson Heights Community Organization’s project plan was to build upon the success of their “Getting to Know You” community event which occurred after a community clean up.
They planned to have two events one to celebrate Emerson Heights Day and another event to build community engagement. There will be live music and open mic opportunities. They promoted the events via social media and their newsletter.
Goals related to an increase in community involvement in neighborhood events, having 112 attendees at both events to celebrate Emerson Height’s 112th year, and conducting a survey for feedback on what events or activities are desired by residents.
Englewood Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to further develop their Englewood Nature Playspace and Community Garden and update a gateway sign on the eastern edge of the neighborhood. Another addition will be the recreation of a mural on the fence of the garden with the help of an artist.
Goals relate to engaging 12 locals in the design of the signage, two signage pieces, more than 50 participants supporting the design process of the mural, and 15 events at the project locations over the next 12 months by more than five organizations, and an increased awareness and perception of the neighborhood.
Foxfire Homeowners Association’s project plan is to beautify a neighborhood playground and engage neighbors in the process. They plan to have volunteers replace old mulch and repurpose wood mulch for the trees, add landscape fabric, and spread 4300 square feet of rubber mulch after the purchase of needed materials.
Goals relate to an increase in meeting attendance, having a quarter of the community volunteer, adding three new community partnerships, 50% of new homeowners involved in the new playground, increasing awareness for residents on how to take care of the playground, and increasing the safety of the playground.
Friends of Belmont Beach project was to add to more programming to the Belmont Beach pop-up park launched in 2021. The new events included “sound bath meditations” for mental wellness; summer movie nights; Sunday Fundays with free food and activities for all; Music and jokes featuring local musicians and comedians; Haughville Heritage Day fundraiser; and Belmont Beach Closing weekend to celebrate before the beach is closed for winter.
Goals related to an increase in organizational members, volunteers, residents reporting appreciation for the space, and five new media hits.
Friends of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park’s plan was to provide resources to prevent littering and trash buildup at Dr. MLK Jr. Park by replacing the trash receptacles with ones that will be more weather and animal-resistant. Along with the trash receptacles, they also installed two hot coal bins at the park’s pavilion near the grill installations for community use. Goals related to decreasing the amount of litter in the park, increasing membership, and having 40 volunteer sign-ups within 3 months.
Garfield Park Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to create and install informational/wayfinding signage to help locals find community assets such as parks or businesses. The sign will be designed by a local artist.
Goals relate to support from 100 neighbors on the signage, five partner organizations engaged, three artists helping with the design of the signage, 10 businesses supporting the signage, and increased awareness of neighborhood assets.
Irvington Historic Community Council’s project plan is to add banner signage to demonstrate the community’s history with two new designs of specific areas within Irvington proper. A survey will be conducted to determine the location of the banner from resident input.
Goals relate to increased pride in the community, easier identification of the community boundaries, increased meeting attendance and volunteer enrollment, and having the project impact shared with local partners for future community planning.
Historic Meridian Park Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to further develop the Historic Meridian Park Pocket Park by providing several elements of maintenance. The plan involves adding mulch; replacing rotting wood from the playground; replacing native plants; adding tables and chairs; adding a sign; and adding a free library box with antiracist reading material.
Goals relate to improved safety of the park and sharing results with media channels.
Historic Watson Park Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to add further beautification to the gateway triangle median in the neighborhood. They would like to add landscaping to the median and to officially adopt the median as part of the neighborhood. Additionally, they will have participating residents help on multiple workdays adding mulch, native plants, and shrubs.
Goals relate to deterring crime, calming traffic, reaching residents who do not use the internet, and an increase in involvement from the community.
Holy Cross Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to honor Kelly Wensing a community leader who was as they stated the “backbone” of the neighborhood association through creating an artistic gathering space. The design will be created by a local artist.
Goals relate to adding a new community gathering space and collecting stories about the project’s positive impact on community members.
Homewood Park West Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to add neighborhood signage at the intersection of W. 38th Street and W. 34th Street and to unveil them at National Night Out 2022. They also have a community day planned for residents to paint the signs and add landscaping around them. Flags representing a connection to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and having neighbors from all over the world will be included.
Goals relate to increased involvement from community members at meetings, increased identification of the neighborhood, and increased participation and connection at events when the flags are changed.
Ladywood Estates Homeowners Association’s project was to redevelop a historic well house and to replenish a nearby wet garden to add beautification to the community. The area is now a space for residents to enjoy and connect.
Goals related to increased community participation in maintaining the space and increased learning from neighbors about invasive plants.
Living Water Fellowship Church’s project was to organize a neighborhood cleanup to rid the community of trash on the sides of the roads and an excess of weeds.
Goals related to sharing the cleanup on social media with before and after photos and seeking approval from residents; an increase in meeting attendance; membership; and new people involved.
One Voice Martindale Brightwood’s project plan is to lead a neighborhood clean-up to rid the community of trash, have resident-led placemaking activities including planting flowers or painting/repairing buildings, and increase outreach through social media and publications to encourage community engagement in projects.
Goals relate to increasing beautification in the community, organizing quarterly neighborhood clean-ups and placemaking activities, and increasing community pride.
Pike Township Residents Association’s project plan is to paint cement blocks separating the space from traffic to further beautify the space. They would then organize a group to clean the blocks and then paint them. A local artist will also design a mural for the greenway.
Goals include organizing an orientation for volunteers, connecting to media outlets to share the event, and creating traffic calming.
Ransom Place Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to add creative elements to showcase the history of the community in their pocket park. The project includes adding three new pieces of art created by local artists after collecting stories from neighbors and adding QR codes near each piece of art to link to videos on the neighborhood association’s website for more information. They will also organize a group from the Alpha Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha supported by Ivy Endowment to research the history of the neighborhood, collaborate with the artists, or collect stories from community members.
Goals include hosting 2-3 events per year in the park, increasing youth participation and understanding of their history, increasing visitations to the park, and sharing progress with media outlets.
South Village Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to create a new green space to replenish the native plants and to create a space for environmental education. The project includes adding plants, creating a space for people to gather with added benches, and adding labels to plants to help locals learn what plants are native.
Goals include supporting the growth of native plants and increased community engagement.
Speedway Arts Council ‘s project plan is to install an interactive historical mural on Main Street in Speedway on the sides of adjoined businesses in the area for photo opportunities for residents and visitors. An anti-graffiti coating will be added to protect the mural.
Goals include sharing the project with media outlets, measuring social media engagement, and volunteers signing up to support the painting of the mural.
Warfleigh Neighborhood Association’s project was to create gateway signage to help visitors identify the neighborhood and add distinction from other neighborhoods.
Goals related to an increase in regular meeting attendance, an increase in consistent volunteers, and an increase in the amount of times that the neighborhood association is identified by media.
Bean Creek’s project plan in collaboration with Big Car is to add light elements, art to common spaces and structures, benches, planters, and trees to homes owned by Big Car and Big Car artists along Cruft Street and Nelson Avenue.
These beautification features will aid in the seasonal art walks for local artists and neighbors.
Goals relate to positive feedback from neighbors and feelings of pride, survey and interview data will be collected to share with the community.
Beech Meadow Apartment Community (with Beech Grove Parks Foundation)’s project plan is to add beautification and safety to Hornet Avenue, east of Emerson Avenue. They plan to add a bike rack, new traffic signage, and a new entrance sign between Hornet Park Community Center and the Beech Meadow apartment community. All of these additions are planned to aid in the accessibility of this area and to make it safer for those walking and riding bikes.
Goals relate to an increase in safer biking and walking experiences and beautification of the area.
Bellaire Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to build a community garden at New Paradigm Christian Church to serve the community of WillowBrook Apartments.
The project will engage residents by encouraging them to take care of assigned plots of the garden and will beautify the area.
Main goals include promoting healthy eating, activities to engage youth in holistic wellness, and an increase in awareness of the neighborhood association.
Ben Davis Christian Church’s project plan is to organize a week-long community cleanup initiative called “Love Where You Are” in westside neighborhoods in Wayne Township and Speedway.
Through this project, they would like to connect residents and educate the community about waste in the waterways and storm systems.
For their 2023 clean up, they wanted to expand resources to include street sweepers, brush removal, and traffic officers.
Goals for the project include an increase in trash bags collected compared to last year, organizational members and volunteers, partnerships, new people involved, a greater understanding from residents on how to get involved, and greater media outreach.
Brendon Park Civic Association’s project plan is to redevelop the Devington Plaza and its entryways and signage. Specific details include brick-and-mortar improvements to the entryways, landscaping, and collaboration with an artist to design a new logo.
Residents will receive a survey related to their satisfaction with the beautification efforts.
Goals are related to strengthening the relationship between Brendon Park and the United Northeast CDC, an increase in resident participation and community partnerships, and positive responses from neighbors about the updates.
Brendonridge Homeowners Association’s project plan is to beautify common areas of IPS Robert Lee Frost School 106 utilized by community members. They would like to replace old tables with ones that have more seating, clean up the area, have a community celebration, and prepare for continued maintenance.
Goals relate to an increase in volunteers, use of the space, membership, partnerships, safety, and awareness of the community.
Christian Park Community Garden Inc.’s Project Plan is to create a community garden. They plan to install an irrigation system to water the plants and partner with gardeners and tree-trimming companies for mulch and seed donations. An additional aspect of the project is adding a wider gate for vehicle access to the garden.
Goals include organizing a fundraiser once the garden is in operation, increasing the number of board members, and getting at least 10 volunteers to help maintain the garden.
Eagledale Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to organize a neighborhood cleanup of the neighborhood with neighbors getting rid of their accumulated trash in their homes and yards called the ” The Eagledale Spring Clean Dumpster Fling”.
Dumpsters will be made available for participating neighbors across the community. The Neighborhood Association also plans to create a bilingual website with English and Spanish options to share out events and activities.
Goals include having 12 dumpsters filled with trash, 12 neighborhood captains to coordinate neighbors, an increase in volunteers, and an increase in membership.
Emerson Heights Community Organization’s project plan is to re-brand “Emerson Heights” to “Historic Emerson Heights”, host a 2023 Spring Clean Up, and organize an Art in the Park event. They will have a traffic signal box art competition to assist the re-branding process with the new name for residents to participate in. The Art in the Park event following the Spring Clean Up will feature the new traffic boxes and will be an event for residents to gather and connect.
Goals include 5-10 design submissions from residents and an increase in attendees at the Clean Up and Art in the Park events.
Fall Creek Place Foundation’s project was to expand the Craig Kids Memorial Park, replacing old playground equipment with new playground equipment to encourage continued use of the space.
They also implemented a fundraising campaign to further support their objectives.
Goals related to increased use of the park and community engagement.
Grace Tuxedo Park Neighborhood Organization’s plan was to create a community garden space on a vacant lot. This garden was envisioned to be a place of pride for residents to grow their own produce and build community. Fruits and vegetables were provided to a food pantry for those in poverty.
Goals included an increase in collective sense of community, an increase in knowledge of healthy eating and organic gardening practices, a decrease in crime, and further assistance with food security in the area.
Hovey Street COC’s project plan is to further develop its community garden space while engaging neighbors.
In the space they hold community programming, they want to expand such as youth mentoring, and other educational activities.
They plan to collaborate with an artist to create a mural and signage for the space.
Goals relate to increasing connections, partnerships, awareness from community members on how to get involved, decrease in crime, and coverage from a media outlet.
Lynhurst Baptist Church’s project plan is to use 2 acres of underutilized land for a park, picnic area, and community events. They plan to clean up the space and add new swings, and a basketball hoop. Some additional aspects of the project are adding an ADA-accessible shelter with benches as well as adding some flowers and trees to the area.
Goals include an increase in community events, utilization by residents more frequently, residents who will help organize or host events, and connections with organizations.
Mapleton Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to continue work to improve 29th Street and Broadway Park, this includes the adding of additional seating, cleanup of playground structure until replacement, and removal of old playground equipment and old signage. These plans will lead to the eventual re-design of the park.
Goals include an increase in volunteers assisting the neighborhood association and park utilization.
Midtown Indy, Inc.’s project plan is to organize an outdoor family-friendly movie series in Tarkington Park. Some of the films are created by youth in the community.
They plan to implement the services of more local food vendors and nonprofits for the events and increase the amount of pre-movie activities.
Goals are connected to an increase in films produced by individuals aged 17-24, an increase in new attendees, and an increase in understanding from partnered organizations on how to get involved.
Millersville at Fall Creek Valley’s project plan is to revitalize and beautify the Fall Creek greenway between the 56th St and Emerson Way bridges and two adjacent planted Gateway medians at 56th St and at Emerson Way.
For the Fall Creek Overlook they will add signage about watershed management, and the local ecosystem of wildlife and native plants to limestone benches in Fall Creek greenway as well as add perennial wildflowers to the borders of the site. On the banks of the Emerson Way bridge they will maintain the area by clearing out invasives and providing erosion control.
For both the overlook and banks of the Emerson Way bridge, they will treat the areas to prevent the return of invasive plants.
Goals include improving sustainability of the area, providing education about the importance of sustainability, and increasing connections in the neighborhood and schools through stewardship activities.
Monon Yard Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to install informational signs with information about events and volunteer opportunities in common spaces and yards, street-side pole banners to mark the boundaries of the community, and distribute smaller signs for neighbors to post in the front of their houses.
They will also be creating welcome folders for new residents with resources in the community as well as details about the neighborhood association.
Goals relate to an increase in Monon Yard Neighborhood Association meeting attendees, membership, volunteers, and community participation in activities and events.
My Christian Park Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to create a neighborhood gateway at the northeast corner of Pleasant Run Parkway North Drive and English Avenue. The gateway will include community-made decorated tiles that represent leaves from trees in the park. They have partnered with a local artist to design the gateway. Community members will be able to contribute to the creation of the design through a leaf design event where the artist will glaze leaves that neighbors create to then attach to the gateway.
Goals include an increase in meeting attendance, clean up participation, social media engagement, participation in meetings, and membership.
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and Martindale-Brightwood Community Development Corporation’s project plan is to host a neighborhood clean up for the Fletcher Oak Hill neighborhood with community volunteers. Groups of volunteers will be matched with a team captain and assigned clean up areas in the boundaries of North to Bloyd Ave., South to Roosevelt Ave., East to Keystone Ave., West to Lawrence Street, and Caroline Avenue. Volunteers would assist with trash pick up, cutting grass, cleaning curbs, providing mulch for landscaping, and more.
Goals are related to a cleaner neighborhood, an increase in engagement from residents, updates provided at the local community center and social media, and a regular lunch after clean ups where participants can discuss accomplishments.
Northwest Landing Neighborhood Association’s project plan called “Neighborhood in Bloom” is to add a gazebo for the community garden next to Aspire House for additional seating and added beautification. Perennial flowers will be planted around the gazebo and welcome signage will be added as well. Other additions include the widening of the walkway and steps for the gazebo to aid in accessibility for senior residents.
Goals include increasing beautification of the garden, continued utilization of the space, and increased engagement.
Parkview Cooperative Preschool’s project plan is to expand the Parkview Greenspace, a play area for children that is open to the community after hours.
They would like to add tracking panels as well as a sensory table for children to play with to encourage further learning about directions, weight, and textures. Additionally they would like to add a seesaw, other balance equipment, paint and chalk boards, a welcome sign, and educational materials for both children and adults.
Goals include having 10 non-member families using the educational resources at home and increasing membership utilizing provided materials.
Ralston Hovey Arsenal Andres J. Brown neighborhood association’s project plan is to host a an event called “Watch Us Glow – Neighborhood Alley Cleanup” to combat the illegal dumping residents have experienced in the alleys behind their home. They will organize a deep clean of 12 blocks throughout the neighborhood and install “no dumping” signs as well as surveillance cameras overlooking the alley ways.
Goals relate to an increase in volunteer participation, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) block captains, and connections with new neighborhood based organizations.
St. Clair Place Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to further develop the use and awareness of community spaces and gardens for events and activities. They plan to encourage residents to host their own gatherings and events to build engagement and to conduct surveys for residents to share feedback on neighborhood activities and committees. Through these surveys and evaluations, they will develop plans to enhance community spaces and outreach.
Goals related to the project include updating their social media strategy, developing a plan to reach residents who don’t use the internet, increasing participation from new residents, and raising awareness of how community members can get involved in the neighborhood.
University Heights project plan is to make essential updates to the University Heights Pocket Park. They would like to replace the 9- year-old picnic tables with ones that are ADA compliant, add solar-powered lighting, and add more benches to the park.
The community will be re-introduced to the park through a grand opening.
Goals relate to a reduction in vandalism, an increase in community participation in activities and events, and an increase in neighborhood association meeting attendance.
Windsor Park Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to partner with Latina’s Welding Guild for the creation of new signage for their Gateway Garden as well as Fletcher Park.
The design for the new sign was created by a neighbor in the area with input from the community.
Goals for the new signage project include funding the training for one welder in Latina’s Welding Guild, engaging welding session participants, and providing information and awareness about the neighborhood.
Woodruff Civic League’s project plan is to continue work to restore six fountains located on the three north/south streets, with a focus on one on the north section of the West Drive esplanade with added beautification. They plan to install 4 park benches customized to the park surrounding the fountain.
Goals relate to media coverage celebrating the fountain area, and developing a plan to maintain community engagement.
Carlena Moses,
Community Builder,
Hawthorne Community Center
“The Near West Summer Bash was such an amazing event. After being inside for months and socially distancing for safety, our community desperately needed some in-person social interaction. The Near West Summer Bash provided the community with the opportunity to explore the historical Belmont Beach, engage with neighbors, connect with resources, and support local small businesses. There was dancing, laughing, praise, worship, good food, prizes and a sense of community. The funds provided by INRC allowed us to host an event that sparked hope & joy in our community!”
The Friends of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park representing the Kennedy King Neighborhood project plan is to successfully re-open the MLK pool after the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak for continued resident use and community recreation.
There will be enhanced beautification and usability with the addition of annual plants. This project is focused on increased opportunities for engagement for community members of all ages. Goals are related to increased participation from new neighbors and volunteer sign-ups.
The Little Flower Neighborhood Association (LFNA) project plan is to have yard signs placed at prominent intersections in the community before monthly meetings and quarterly events to increase awareness of the neighborhood association. Additionally, they will have tablecloths with the Little Flower logo and website to assist with visibility at tabling events and trailhead posts and a message center to be utilized in a neighborhood greenspace.
LFNA would like to measure increases in engagement through community meeting attendance, membership, quarterly events, and newsletter subscribers.
The Meridian Highland Neighborhood Association (MHNA) project plan is to install welcoming signs at the corners of Fall Creek and Meridian, and at Fall Creek and Capitol Ave to increase the overall visibility of the community for neighbors and visitors.
Community members had input on the design process of the welcome signs as far as visual and word usage in collaboration with an artist.
Once the signs are finalized and at their designated locations MHNA will have a weekend event for neighbors to gather and do basic landscaping around the signs for further beautification.
Their goals are related to an increase in monthly meeting attendance and participation in neighborhood association activities.
The Near Eastside Community Organization (NESCO), Inc.’s project plan is to implement a collaborative effort toward neighborhood engagement in the areas of crime and safety, beautification, and city compliance in neighborhood boundaries.
They will collaborate with 6 local neighborhood associations with the executive board working with the leaders of the neighborhoods continuously throughout the grant program.
Measurable goals are linked to an increase in attendance at NESCO meetings, awareness of NESCO through community events, and participating “block captains” through Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (block captains maintain the beautification of their block by freeing it of trash).
Norwood Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to uplift and celebrate the neighborhood’s history through a “Norwood Neighborhood’s 150+1 anniversary celebration. The event features an 1800’s theme connected to when the neighborhood was founded with a parade, music, and dress that reflects the time period.
Black-owned businesses are invited to attend.
Goals related to the event include an increase in neighborhood engagement as well as an increase in monthly meeting attendance.
The Near West Collaborative on behalf of the Near West Education Task Force project plan was to organize a Summer Bash event to engage area residents and organizations. Activities included games, music, food trucks, information tables, and youth vaccinations. They also provided students and teachers with several school supplies for the upcoming school year at the event. They anticipated a 500-750 attendance count.
Traditions Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to install a new entrance sign with lighting and to implement neighborhood cleanup efforts. The sign will support overall awareness of the community and through neighborhood cleanup, beautification of the entrance and exit will increase. Measuring the success of the project will be completed through observing resident pride and interest in the project.
Southdale Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to feature “Streetcorner Art” in the community and implement “Yardsign Monthly Winners” for their monthly meetings.
The “Streetcorner Art” project will include 4 traffic signal boxes with art that relate to the neighborhood’s history of German immigrant families who beautified and sustained the area with vegetables, fruit, shrubs, and trees.
The “Yardsign Monthly Winners” project includes the purchasing of 100 yard signs with information about the neighborhood association for local residents and businesses to display on their property — participants will be placed in a monthly drawing for a free meal from a local restaurant.
Their goals relate to increased engagement through increase in monthly meeting attendance, personnel coordinating Southdale’s events, and businesses attending monthly meetings.
1000 Words Inc. project plan is to create a large-scale mural in the Brookside neighborhood and a beautified space for community events. Goals include increased community engagement, pride in the mural, and collecting feedback on long-term community benefits from neighbors.
Ben Davis Christian Church’s “Love Where You Are” project focuses on a 20% increase in their volunteer network and waste collection to create a more connected and environmentally conscious community.
Brendon Park Civic Association’s project plan is to continue efforts from their initial grant project that focused on the restoration of two neighborhood entryways. The restoration plans of the remaining entryway on 46th and Kenmore aim to enhance the beautification of the community. Their goals include adding floral arrangements at the 56th Street entryways, installation of free library boxes, the addition of a barrier to protect their garden, and more.
BRIDGE Collective’s project plan is to facilitate a 4-day event that showcases the work of mural artists in Indy and beyond. In the event 4-5 walls will be painted as a live exhibition and after there will be an after party with live music. Their goal is to see an increase in engagement on their website, social media, and newsletter as well as increased attendance at events.
Brookside Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to grow membership, engagement, and awareness of the neighborhood association’s meetings and events. They plan to distribute SWAG representing the community and create a neighborhood-branded event kit at community events. Their goals include increasing membership and event attendance, increasing newsletter sign-ups, and doing more tabling events.
CAFE’s project plan is to enhance and build upon their Far Eastisde Orchard by adding art to a storage space shipping container. They plan to work with an artist to facilitate two workshops this year and eventually allow community members to do a paint-by-the-number painting on the shipping container. Their goal is to increase youth engagement in the community with art and increase pride in the area.
Emerson Heights Community Organization’s project plan is to continue work done to increase awareness of the community organization by replacing a historic marker sign head, a column reconstruction marking the boundaries of the neighborhood, maintenance, and repair of remaining columns, logo redesign, replacing neighborhood signs, house signs, and adding banners to be shown at future meetings. They will measure successes by getting replacement items installed before deadlines and having sufficient volunteers and attendance as needed.
Fall Creek Homeowners Association’s project plan is a continuation of invasive tree removal efforts along the south bank of Fall Creek. They plan to plant native trees and purchase an “Extractigator” tool for woody tree and shrub removal. Their goals include community engagement in cleanup activities and volunteerism.
Fletcher Place Neighborhood Association plans to turn an alley way into community space honoring the area’s history. They will install energy-efficient lighting and benches, and add a mural created by local artists, pavers, vinyl graphics, and seating to beautify this shared space. Their goals include increased community engagement measured by the number of visits, collaboration with businesses, number of volunteers, creation of a fund for maintenance, and attendance at events and workshops in the area.
Fonseca Theatre Company plans to finish beautification updates to the courtyard near the theatre. They will add a mural created by a local artist, pave over gravel, install security lights and a camera, build a storage shed, and install two benches and a picnic table. Their goals include engaging new volunteers, increased attendance at programming, creation of new events in the courtyard, and an overall increase in resident use.
Fountain Fletcher District Association’s project plan is to add wayfinding maps and art from local artists to vacant storefront windows on Virginia Avenue corridor. Goals include decreasing vandalism, increasing tenant interest in properties, and encouraging beautification efforts.
Foxfire Community Association’s project plan is to continue beautification efforts to their community’s playground which includes adding 7 pallets of rubber mulch. This will aid in the appearance and safety of the playground. Their goal is for the mulch to be an acceptable amount for recommended playground safety.
Grace Tuxedo Park Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to beautify the neighborhood by illustrating the symbol of the Monarch butterfly that migrates from Mexico to the United States every spring in signage and a sunflower start giveaway. Their goals include an increase in meeting and event attendance, community partners, and a decrease in pedestrian accidents.
Hillside Neighborhood Association plans to add beautification and needed features to Unity Park by adding new spigots for the community garden and a mural of community leaders. The main goal is to have increased usability of the garden.
InTouch Resource Center plans to organize regular clean-up events in the Arlington Woods community. They plan to assess the most affected areas of the neighborhood, gather input from residents, engage neighbors through media and flyers, and implement bi-monthly clean-ups and a volunteer opportunity on safety measures and waste segregation. Their goals include a decrease in loitering, break-ins, and debris through these beautification efforts.
Millersville at Fall Creek Valley, Inc.’s project plan is to complete various beautification projects in the neighborhood with the help of volunteers and professionals. They plan to remove and replace 60+ dying shrubs in three Fall Creek Trail parallel parking area planting beds along E. Fall Creek Pkwy N Dr, update the Fall Creek Overlook Park with additional weeding and planting, weed and treat a prairie on the banks of Emerson Way, and revitalize existing greenspaces. Their goals improve engagement at meetings and events as well as recruitment of new volunteers.
New Circle Church’s project plan is to develop a greenspace in the Mapleton-Fall Creek neighborhood by adding a large shelter for community members to gather and appreciate nature. Their goals include increasing overall neighborhood engagement and use of the park.
New Circle Church’s project plan is to develop a greenspace in the Mapleton-Fall Creek neighborhood by adding a large shelter for community members to gather and appreciate nature. Their goals include increasing overall neighborhood engagement and use of the park.
Sound Ecologies plans to host various concerts and art events throughout 2024-2025 featuring emerging artists and writers to benefit local initiatives. Their goals include engaging the community through environmental and art education, elevating local artists, and supporting local partners.
Spades Park Neighborhood Association plans to create a gateway sign to Spades Park that reads “Every dollar spent on Indy Parks generates an estimated $3.13 in the local economy” and “Properties within 250 feet of an Indy Parks location are valued more than $14,000 higher than the Marion County average.”. They plan to utilize unused park space to attract and engage neighbors. Their goals include an increase in attendance for all activities and opening unutilized park space for recreational opportunities for locals.
Springdale Neighborhood Association’s project plan is to replace 26 sun-damaged signs with a new rebranded logo to increase neighborhood pride. Goals include an increase in the association’s activities and events and newsletter subscriptions.
Tuxedo Park Baptist Church plans to expand a community garden with more raised boxes with the help of a professional gardener and local volunteers. Their goals include increased environmental sustainability, healthier eating habits, and decreased crime.
United Northeast CDC plans to collaborate with Ground Up Foods to expand their farm to assist with the community’s food access. They will clear trash, do soil testing, add a fence and running water to the garden, as well as add security cameras for safety. Their goals include an increase in engagement, safety, employment, food production, and education.
Warfleigh Neighborhood Association plans to add more signage to the neighborhood to raise more awareness of the association’s presence. Their goals include an increase in regular meeting attendance, volunteers, and committed neighbors to be involved in the community.
Aspire Higher Foundations’ project is to open an art studio at Aspire House for the seven Near North West neighborhoods and its residents. Goals include increasing neighborhood pride and increasing community engagement with the arts.
Bates-Hendricks Neighborhood Development Inc. project is to revitalize a community garden to increase well-being in neighbors. Goals include hosting various gardening educational classes, increasing volunteer engagement, and growing produce for the community.
Butler-Tarkington Neighborhood Association’s project includes landscaping at IPS School #43 James Whitcomb Riley and the rejuvenation of SHarP Community Gardens. Goals include increased attendance at neighborhood meetings, increased volunteerism, and creating new partnerships in the community.
Christian Park Community Garden Inc. plans to continue past work of turning two vacant lots into a thriving community garden by adding soil amendments and new plots for produce. Goals include increasing active participants, increasing community engagement, and board engagement.
Country Club Place Homeowners’ Association project includes beautification of neighborhood trail such as adding flower and vegetable gardens near the trail, improving path around a pond, and ensuring safety on the trail. Goals include increasing meeting attendance, increased participation in community events, and an increase in volunteerism.
Englewood Neighborhood Association’s project plan will be to improve two neighborhood parks. Neighbors would like to add a pergola, benches, mulch for the playground, a sandbox, and more. Goals include hosting bi-monthly new neighbor welcome parties, increased community engagement, and decreased crime.
Friends of Garfield Park’s project includes hosting volunteer work days at Blake’s Garden to beautify the space and set the foundation for annual volunteer workdays. Goals include having 20+ volunteers and to maintain and grow engagement with volunteers.
Hawthorne Neighborhood Gardens Association project involves holding 4 seasonal events with hands-on activities and workshops. Goals include gathering 200+ participants, creating new partnerships, and new households engaged.
North Square Neighborhood Association project involves painting a mural on a median and adding flowers and drought resistant plants near the area. Goals include beautifying area, reducing litter, and increased pedestrian utilization.
Oxford Neighborhood Association’s project involves supporting the Northeast Communities National Night Out Celebration 2024 bringing local police and neighbors together. Goals include having 500+ attendees, increased attendance of events, and the creation of new partnerships.
Rivoli Park Neighborhood’s project involves the reinstallation of new benches, improved trash collection methods, and salvaging of an oak tree at Paige Linn Booker Memorial Pocket Park. Goals include increased use of the park, increasing attendance at neighborhood meetings, and increasing safety of the park.
Rocky Ripple Community Association project involves improvements of Hohlt Park which includes adding new picnic tables, adding cardio equipment to the playground, and adding a new garden shed mural. Goals include an increase in volunteers, increased community engagement, and increased safety.
Tuxedo Park Baptist Church’s project includes the adding of planter boxes for neighbors to adopt and take care of at Tuxedo Park Baptist Church community garden. Goals include growing food security, educating families on healthy food practices, and decreasing crime.
Westminster Neighborhood Services project involves holding monthly neighborhood meetings, facilitating community-led art projects, and creating a foundation to continue to host block parties for neighbors to enjoy. Goals include increased community engagement, increased beautification of neighborhood, and increased unity between neighbors.
November 7, 2024
June 17, 2024
January 17, 2024
August 26, 2023