Black Lives Matter.
We are grieving incidents of police and racial violence like those that took the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and Dion Johnson. We remain concerned about systemic racism and want to work toward racial equality in our communities. Join INRC as we seek partners to create safe places and safe neighborhoods for racial equity discussions in communities across our city.
INRC remains committed to using our expertise of engaging, training, and supporting communities to grow to their full potential. We stand by our black and brown neighbors, and encourage people to take action to fight systemic racism.
Based on what we’ve already heard from our members and partners, INRC is compiling and sharing resources for neighbors, and we are reviewing our work to revise our training programs. We want to hear from you about how INRC can best support you, and how you and your neighbors want to get involved in the fight for racial justice.
As INRC continues to examine our own policies and programs to work towards becoming an anti-racist organization, we remain committed to supporting our neighbors to fulfill the vision of an equitable Indianapolis.
• INRC’s 13+ year partnership with Public Allies, and its goal of addressing anti-racism, focusing on equity, and supporting emerging leaders and more diverse leadership;
• In 2020, INRC formalized our partnership with Everyday Democracy, a national organization that supports organizing across the country, by bringing diverse groups of people together, helping them structure and facilitate community dialogue on pressing issues, and training them to use a racial equity lens to understand longstanding problems and possible solutions; and,
• INRC’s anti-racism taskforce planned and hosted an all board and staff conversation in 2020, provided by The Learning Tree.
INRC recognizes the critical need for ongoing dialogue between our community leaders, city officials, and other stakeholders to support cries against police brutality and inequitable practices across systems that serve our neighbors. We also recognize the need for dialogue that will lead to action toward positive change. INRC would like to offer a supporting hand to the challenges that face every community. One way we all can support our neighbors is by giving to those organizations rallying, organizing, and actively changing the conversation about equity in our communities. Organizations like Bail Project, Indy 10 BLM, and the Kheprw Institute are doing this work locally and need our support.
We hear our community members calling for immediate and long-term action. We hear our community members saying, “Enough is enough!” We hear our community members demanding the creation of a new, more inclusive and community-led table. INRC wants to be here to listen, understand, and equip neighborhoods to effect change in our communities.
Join our efforts in creating safe places and safe neighborhoods that share dialogue on racial equity and invest in ongoing education and training that empower neighborhoods to create action for their own communities.